Here’s a few reasons to raise another glass! Aside from making a delicious companion to any hors d’oeuvre or meal, wine can do a body good! From gut health to antioxidants and resveratrol, check out this quick list of the tasty benefits of drinking red wine at night!
Antioxidant Benefits of red wine

- Wine’s antioxidants can help promote a healthy heart by increasing the levels of good cholesterol and preventing buildup. It has also been linked to improved platelet function which produces the anti-thrombotic effect that can prevent heart attacks.
- For more on the on the beneficial heart-healthy antioxidant properties in red wine, click here.
benefits of wine related to longevity through healthy diet and moderation
- More recent studies have shown that moderate wine drinking (when consumed as a component of the Mediterranean diet) can increase life expectancy due to its prevention of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, cognitive decline, depression, and cancer.
- Some studies show that the health of people who exercise regularly, eat a healthy diet, and maintain healthy smoke-free habits is linked to longer life expectancy.
- Check out this article on more recent studies that link greater life expectancy to wine!
how wine may help the human body Fight Illness
- Resveratrol is a polyphenolic compound that comes from the skin of grapes and many other plant foods. These compounds can act as antioxidants which can neutralize free radicals. Some studies have shown that resveratrol could reduce risk of inflammation and blood clotting. Studies have also shown its antimicrobial properties to inhibit the growth of some bacteria. It is mostly found in red wines such as Malbec and Pinot Noir.
- For more on the presence of resveratrol in red wines, click here!
how red wine Improves Mood
- Polyphenols and their antioxidant properties may also lower the risk of depression and other diseases linked to oxidative stress.
how that nighttime red wine Aids Digestion
- The polyphenols in wine can also promote healthy gut bacteria by providing prebiotic effects that can enhance gut microbiome.
is wine Brain Friendly?
- Some studies have associated wine intake with greater total brain volume suggesting it can have a protective effect by reducing inflammation and lowering chances of a stroke.
- Some studies have also shown that consuming wine and cheese in moderation as part of a healthy diet can contribute to better cognitive function.
- For more brain-healthy facts on wine + cheese, check out this article!
stay healthy with proper wine pours and portions
- One glass of wine is a 5 oz pour. Moderate consumption is considered to be 1 to 1.5 glasses a day if you’re a woman and up to 2 5 oz glasses a day if you are a man.
- For more fun health facts on wine, check out this article from Wine Folly which breaks down everything hanging out in your glass of wine.
These are just a few reasons why the benefits of drinking red wine at night can contribute to our overall healthy! When consumed responsibly, in moderation, and with healthy life habits, a little splash of red can totally do a body good! So pour a little nighttime red wine give a toast! In the words of Ratatouille’s chef Alfredo Linguine: À Votre Santé! Here’s to our health!
Red Wine and Resveratrol: Good for Your Heart?,
Jamie Goode, The Science of Wine, 2005
Eleni Pavlidou, Maria Mantzorou, […], and Constantinos Giaginis, Wine: An Aspiring Agent in Promoting Longevity and Preventing Chronic Diseases,