Aside from air-purifying benefits and vibrant green beauty, indoor plants can also create a relaxing atmosphere and a stunning green oasis for anyone who chooses to add them to a room. If you’re in need of no fuss, easy care indoor plants, then sift through these 12 types of indoor plants with names to get familiar with beautiful and alluring low-maintenance plants anyone can grow.
A Quick List of 12 types of Indoor plants with names and pictures

1. Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema)
Native to the more tropical regions of Asia, Chinese evergreens will bring a stylish touch of exotic foliage. The leaves often have a variegated design that range from light green to dark green. They thrive best in medium to low-light or indirect sun light and can even tolerate infrequent watering conditions but enjoy being watered at least once a week.
2. Wax Plant (Hoya Carnosa)
Also known as the porcelainflower, this unique flowering plant is about as no-fuss as you can get! Watering once a week (or until the top of the soil has dried over) is enough to keep its thick, shiny, and leathery leaves happy. Its hardy, thick vines will stretch out and grow in length quite quickly, providing you with beautiful long jungle-like foliage. Perfect as a hanging plant or draping shelf plant that’s easy to propagate from cuttings.
3. Golden Pothos or Devil’s Ivy (Epipremnum aureum)
This trailing vine plant with heart-shaped leaves enjoys medium or indirect sunlight. It will also tolerate low light and infrequent waterings. With its variegated leaves boasting hints of gold and chartreuse streaks, this stylish viny indoor plant will survive most indoor conditions making it a steady favorite. Water once a week.
4. English Ivy (Hedera helix)
The triple-pointed leaves of this woody vine will add a quick touch of texture and contrast to your plant collection. English ivy vines are one of the fastest climbing plants around. They look beautiful as hanging basket plants but also make gorgeous trailing or ‘spiller’ type accents at the base of containers that hold other plants. They are hardy and impossible to kill which makes them proven easy care indoor plants for sure. Ivy enjoys watering rather infrequently or once the top few inches of the soil have run dry.
5. Madagascar Dragon Tree (Dracaena Marginata)
Dragon trees make beautiful drought-tolerant floor plants. If you can find longer ones, they make a great tall addition at the corner of a bright room. With their long slender leaf formation, they add a gorgeous dessert-like palm tree quality to any space. Some varieties boast leaves with beautiful ruby edging! Water once the top of the soil has dried out or once a week.
6. Umbrella Plant (Schefflera)
The umbrella-like formations of the leaves grow outwards spreading in circular fashion. This creates a beautiful and uniquely shaped shrub-style plant that adds instant character with its bright green leaves. Place near a window with lots of bright but indirect sunlight. They don’t like to be very wet so wait and water when the top few inches of the soil have dried out.
7. Amazonian Elephant Ear or African Mask (Alocasia)
This easy care plant has beautiful features that stun and command attention with pale green veins that glow against a deep green background. The curiously shaped large leaves resemble an elongated face. They instantly create a captivating look in any space with bright, indirect sunlight. Allow the top few inches of soil to dry out before watering again.
8. Cat Palm (Chamaedorea Cataractarum)
If you can’t fly out to your favorite tropical oasis, bring a touch of it home with the addition of these easy care palm trees. This beautiful and vibrant green palm grows in a clump formation that flows out into long feathery foliage. It will instantly create a gorgeous substantial statement in any bright room with indirect sunlight with regular watering once a week.
9. Mass Cane or Corn Plant (Dracaena fragrans)
The growth of the long foliage gently curves out to a point with variegated stripes that travel down the center. The leaves grow off of different spots from the thick, trunk-like woody stalks creating the look of vibrant green fireworks that will add drama and personality to your space. Place in bright but indirect light to avoid leaf burn. Keep it happy by misting every so often. Wait until the soil top is dry to water.
10. Sensation lily (Spathiphyllum)
These deep green ribbed leaves form to create the largest of the lily family varieties with leaves measuring up to 24 inches long. Aptly named, it will truly add a sensational look to any large well-lit room with its oversized foliage and captivating style. Water once a week placing the plant in bright but indirect light.
11. Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata)
Also known as the sword fern, this plant is native to tropical regions and humid forests alike. Make a statement by styling your ferns as hanging plants. Grow ferns in areas with indirect sunlight and watch the beautiful green fronds reward you with lush greenery that loves you right back. Water once a week but do not let sit in standing water.
12. Rubber Fig Plant (Ficus elastica)
Native to parts of Asia, the rubber plant is another way to add the exotic look of faraway jungles to a room. Its thick, hardy leaves reach up and out as they mature and can range from deep green to rich ruby and wine-like reds. A gorgeous and simple low-maintenance house plant like this needs nothing more than medium indirect light and watering every 2 weeks (or when the top of the soil has dried out). It will make an easy and happy addition that will beautify any space.
Save This Quick List with Types of Indoor Plants with Names when shopping!
Keep this quick guide to types of indoor plants handy when you’re cruising the indoor plant section at Home Depot or Lowes! It will help you recognize all of the most popular and beautiful indoor plants you can bring back home to add life to any room!
Anyone of these 12 types of indoor plants is sure to add drama and colorful living character to your home. Surround yourself with vibrant, beautiful, cascading green decor with any one of these living, breathing plants! It’s one of the healthiest, happiest ways to decorate so choose your favorites and get growing.
Don’t forget your outdoor gardens either! This quick list of 25 unique container gardening ideas is sure to inspire! Spruce up the front porch for summer while you’re at it with lovely front porch planter ideas too and keep the garden party going with more creative gardening ideas anyone can try outdoors.